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Software Shareware
Grafmathica - teken vergelijkingen
Grafmathica - teken vergelijkingen

Algebra: onderbouw
Programma, algebra, wiskunde, software, herleiden, ontbinden, vergelijkingen, oplossen, breuken, oefenen, toets, toetsen, wortels, factoriseren, antwoord, huiswerk, hulp, stap

GraphCalc - Graf. calculator software
Homepage of graphcalc - the ultimate windows graphing calculator software

Mathgrapher - graphing tool
Draw 2d and 3d graphs, shaded surfaces and contour plots for functions and data. use powerfull linear and nonlinear least squares curve fitting methods to find a least squares fit to your data. integrate and analyse systems of up to 20 coupled differential equations (ode's). calculate zeroes and extrema for functions, statistical properties for data. draw 2d and 3d projections, power spectrum and poincare sections for ode's and iterative maps. matrix operations. cellular automata.

Ultra Fractal - fractals tekenen
Ultra fractal is the best tool for creating fractal art. it creates smooth, true-color fractal images with a wealth of fractal formulas and coloring algorithms. you can combine different fractal types and coloring techniques with the improved layering and masking features.

MathXpert - diverse progs.
Get calculus information, other information, other information at, including related links and much much more

Valgetal - rekenen
Website gewijd aan de uitdagende educatieve spellen valgetal, matego en eurobloks. je speelt met vallende getallen of je vecht tegen een getallenleger en verbetert je hoofdrekenen of je leert rekenen met euro's!

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